Monday, May 17, 2010

Week 2 Application Assignment

For the purpose of this blog, I am critiquing websites related to brain theory and learning.

1. This website entitled "The Information Processing Approach to Cognition" and is an article written for Educational Psychology Interactive. It discusses the different approaches to making learning and information become a part of long-term memory. The final part of the article is a chart that instructs on how to use the information processing approach in the classroom and gives suggestions for how to gain students' attention, relate new information to prior learning, etc. This is an informative article that offers helpful suggestions and breaks down the different parts and types of memory.

2. The topic of this website is also Information Processing, and it is titled "Developmental Theory: Cognitive and Information Processing." The author(s) states that "Information processing is not a theory of cognition but rather a general framework that comprises a family of theories sharing certain core assumptions." They also go on to discuss how this relates to the education of children and the approaches that should be taken in order for students to learn best. This is important to me as an educator to understand how to best teach my students.

3. This website specifically targets teachers and discusses how children learn and information processing theory as it relates to them. It is titled "The Information Processing Theory and its Effect on Children and Learning." The article discussed how children learn from a young age and talks about how if teachers understand learning processing theory they will be better able to meet the needs of their learners. Since I am a teacher, I was very interested in the information presented in this article. The only thing that was frustrating about this website was the overabundance of advertising.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Blogs I'm Interested in Sharing!

For the purpose of this first assignment, here are 3 blogs that I am interested in sharing because they are relevant to this program and cover topics that I think will be helpful.

Blog #1-This blog by Cathy Moore talks about the different scenarios you can create as an instructional designer. She created a simulation where Army personnel learned strategies on how to be more culturally conscious. She also goes on to talk about different strategies for making e-learning more user friendly. I think that as I advance in this course I will be able to use this blog as a reference for improving my own curriculum. Making Change: Ideas for lively elearning

Blog #2-Jeremy Hiebert discusses Instructional Design in his blog, but the emphasis is on teaching technology. This blog appeals to me because I want to teach a middle school computer class. The ideas he presents would be very helpful to me once I start this new curriculum. One of his posts has to do with an article about Bill Gates trying to get students ready for entering the workforce and needing technology training to do so. He also talks about project based learning and a virtual field trip. It is very relevant to what I want to do. HeadspaceJ

Blog #3-In Christy Tucker's blog, she breaks down the field of Instructional Design. She talks about what an Instructional Designer does as well as how to get into the field and the role technology plays in developing a program. It is informative for those of us just getting started out in this field. Experiencing E-Learning